5 Common Chiropractic Techniques for Back and Neck Pain

Back and neck pains can be a nuisance if not attended to early enough. However, on occasions when the pains become too persistent, they can be attributed to various factors like lifestyle, genetics, age, and injury. However, with age, you become prone to back and neck pains. That’s because your tendons and tissues seem to wear out.

At East West Acupuncture & Chiropractic in Dallas, our chiropractor will help determine the extent of your pain. Whether mild or severe, we will offer non-invasive and drug-free treatment to manage your condition.

Common Chiropractic Techniques for Back and Neck Pain

1. Motion Palpation

Before any treatment, our chiropractors often use this technique on you. And here’s why; this technique works to determine if there’s any misalignment or restricted movement in the spine. And because the back and neck are all positioned on the spine, that's why it is preferred.

While the assessment goes on, our chiropractor will ensure they diagnose the whole spine, ranging from the cervical to the lumbar spinal regions. Additionally, you’ll be put through a series of movements until the issue is resolved.

2. Soft Tissue Therapy

You don’t have to worry because with this therapy, our chiropractor will gently use their hands to explore your muscles and joints, while subtly maintaining mild pressure, to reduce tension and boost alignment. Additionally, this chiropractic treatment method can equally be applied to complications brought about by muscular overuse and occupational stress.

3. Lumbar Side Posture Adjustment

This technique is limited to correcting back pain. You will be asked to lie on your side while our chiropractor applies equal and distributed pressure on the back, ensuring your spine is gently realigned to its original position.

4. Table Adjustments

You’re probably wondering what’s with the tables. Unlike regular tables, these tables have a special feature, the drop piece, which, while in use, drops below the rest of the table. Dr. Hanson will use his hands to apply pressure on the affected areas while the drop piece at the same moment lowers below the table to ensure the spine retracts back to its proper position.

5. Flexion / Distraction

While it could appear as a sophisticated chiropractic treatment approach, it’s not. It uses the lower part of the table that moves up and down which affects from the base of the spine all through to the base of the skull, also known as the occiput. When in use, the chiropractor can diagnose the client’s body in all sorts of positions, enabling the chiropractor to detect the slightest of displacements in those problematic areas and devise the appropriate steps to correct them.

Schedule Your Appointments with East West Acupuncture & Chiropractic

Want more information about joint and muscular pains and acupuncture? Call East West Acupuncture & Chiropractic in Dallas at (972) 243-0022 to schedule a chiropractic treatment or speak with Dr. Hanson.

Back and neck pains can be a nuisance if not attended to early enough. However, on occasions when the pains become too persistent, they can be attributed to various factors like lifestyle, genetics, age, and injury. However, with age, you become prone to back and neck pains. That’s because your tendons and tissues seem to wear out.

At East West Acupuncture & Chiropractic in Dallas, our chiropractor will help determine the extent of your pain. Whether mild or severe, we will offer non-invasive and drug-free treatment to manage your condition.

Common Chiropractic Techniques for Back and Neck Pain

1. Motion Palpation

Before any treatment, our chiropractors often use this technique on you. And here’s why; this technique works to determine if there’s any misalignment or restricted movement in the spine. And because the back and neck are all positioned on the spine, that's why it is preferred.

While the assessment goes on, our chiropractor will ensure they diagnose the whole spine, ranging from the cervical to the lumbar spinal regions. Additionally, you’ll be put through a series of movements until the issue is resolved.

2. Soft Tissue Therapy

You don’t have to worry because with this therapy, our chiropractor will gently use their hands to explore your muscles and joints, while subtly maintaining mild pressure, to reduce tension and boost alignment. Additionally, this chiropractic treatment method can equally be applied to complications brought about by muscular overuse and occupational stress.

3. Lumbar Side Posture Adjustment

This technique is limited to correcting back pain. You will be asked to lie on your side while our chiropractor applies equal and distributed pressure on the back, ensuring your spine is gently realigned to its original position.

4. Table Adjustments

You’re probably wondering what’s with the tables. Unlike regular tables, these tables have a special feature, the drop piece, which, while in use, drops below the rest of the table. Dr. Hanson will use his hands to apply pressure on the affected areas while the drop piece at the same moment lowers below the table to ensure the spine retracts back to its proper position.

5. Flexion / Distraction

While it could appear as a sophisticated chiropractic treatment approach, it’s not. It uses the lower part of the table that moves up and down which affects from the base of the spine all through to the base of the skull, also known as the occiput. When in use, the chiropractor can diagnose the client’s body in all sorts of positions, enabling the chiropractor to detect the slightest of displacements in those problematic areas and devise the appropriate steps to correct them.

Schedule Your Appointments with East West Acupuncture & Chiropractic

Want more information about joint and muscular pains and acupuncture? Call East West Acupuncture & Chiropractic in Dallas at (972) 243-0022 to schedule a chiropractic treatment or speak with Dr. Hanson.

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