How Does Electro Stim Work?
How Does Electro Stim Work?
Chiropractic Muscle Stimulation or E-Stim is a specialized medical treatment that uses electric currents to induce muscle contraction.
These gentle pulses are applied to specific areas, helping muscles that are weak, injured, or recovering from illness to move without straining. By causing controlled muscle contractions, E-Stim can improve blood flow, reduce muscle tension, and relieve pain.
This treatment supports healing by strengthening muscles and easing discomfort, making it especially useful for those in rehabilitation. E-Stim is safe, non-invasive.
Patients do not experience pain from the therapy. In fact, many find the session an enjoyable experience.
The Benefits of E-Stim
You may benefit from including E-Stim as part of an individualized treatment program. As a non-invasive therapy, E-Stim has shown to be an effective treatment for many. A care plan including this therapy offers significant benefits like:
- Improving blood flow to an area of injury, promoting the healing process in affected areas.
- Increasing muscle tone and muscle strength in weakened muscles.
- Strengthening the link between muscle movement and your brain, making it easier to move from easier exercises to more complex tasks.
- Preventing or slowing muscle atrophy, or a decrease of muscle mass.
- Encouraging relaxation, as the therapy releases tension in muscles, and encourages endorphin production.
Individuals who have chronic conditions, such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and athletes who are looking to enhance their performance can both benefit from E-Stim. Those with MS can experience a reduction in muscle tension and discomfort after a session, making movement easier. Athletes can use E-Stim to reduce swelling and soreness after a workout. It can also be used to decrease muscle stiffness as part of injury prevention. Speak with Dr. Hanson today to explore your treatment options.
Start on the Path to Recovery
After undergoing an initial evaluation, E-Stim may be incorporated into an individualized treatment program to reduce pain and speed up recovery. Patients may pair E-Stim with massage therapy, chiropractic treatments, and other services at East West Acupuncture & Chiropractic. Patients undergoing E-Stim may need multiple treatments depending on their condition and their individual response.
Our experienced team makes it easy to get started. For more information about muscle stimulation, Contact East West Acupuncture & Chiropractic